Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Link of the Week: Matt Damon Tells It Like It Is

Thanks to Matt Damon for this lovely moment (one among many) in defense of teachers:


1 comment:

  1. I agree with what Matt is saying here. I’m a teacher who originally comes from the states but ended up teaching in Thailand. There is a lot of truth in what he is saying and it seems the same goes for teachers all over the world even here. There is a lot of respect for the teachers over here and the profession is held in high esteem.
    Unfortunately we don’t have the backing that a teacher in America would have and as a foreigner you can’t really rely on government support too much and more often than not you end up hiring Thailand Lawyer if you want to contest employer contracts etc.
    The profession has a whole doesn’t get enough credit where it’s due. It doesn’t exactly instill confidence into the future teachers of tomorrow when their own governments (no matter where you live) don’t have their backs. This is a growing problem where staff shortages in schools are going to get out of hand unless something is done. Lets’ hope for the sake of future generations it happens sooner rather than later.
